We need to hear from you. Help us shape the model.
We are seeking feedback from home builders, renovators, developers and tradespeople on new and more flexible training and certification options for the residential construction industry in Nova Scotia. The survey should take about 15 minutes and will cover three topics:
• Proposed Residential Credentialing Model
• Proposed Methods for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
• Other Skills: Company Needs and Personal Management Basics
For the last six months, AHBRSC has been working with a small group of companies in residential construction and development, renovation and residential trades. We are now encouraging input from all NSHBA members and would strongly value your opinion.
The project is a continuation of the AHBRSC’s Professionalization Initiative, funded by the Province of Nova Scotia and in discussion with the Nova Scotia Community College and the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency.
If you would prefer to complete the survey in hard copy, please print and complete the PDF file and either scan and return it by email to mary.kenny@ahbrsc.com or send it by regular post to:
Atlantic Home Building and Renovation Sector Council
P.O Box 312
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2N7
All information is kept confidential and will be used strictly for research purposes.